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Service discovery is a key component of most distributed systems and service oriented architectures. The problem seems simple at first: How do clients determine the IP and port for a service that exist on multiple hosts?

Usually, you start off with some static configuration which gets you pretty far. Things get more complicated as you start deploying more services.  With a live system, service locations can change quite frequently due to auto or manual scaling, new deployments of services, as well as hosts failing or being replaced.

Dynamic service registration and discovery becomes much more important in these scenarios in order to avoid service interruption.





This problem has been addressed in many different ways and is continuing to evolve.  We’re going to look at some open-source or openly-discussed solutions to this problem to understand how they work. Specifically, we’ll look at how each solution uses strong or weakly consistent storage, runtime dependencies, client integration options and what the tradeoffs of those features might be.

We’ll start with some strongly consistent projects such as , and which are typically used as coordination services but are also used for service registries as well.

We’ll then look at some interesting solutions specifically designed for service registration and discovery. We’ll examine ,, ,, and finally .





The Problem

There are two sides to the problem of locating services.  Service Registration and Service Discovery.

  • Service Registration - The process of a service registering it’s location in a central registry. It usually register it’s host and port and sometimes authentication credentials, protocols, versions numbers, and/or environment details.

  • Service Discovery - The process of a client application querying the central registry to learn  of the location of services.

Any service registration and discovery solution also has other development and operational aspects to consider:

  • Monitoring - What happens when a registered service fails?  Sometimes it is unregistered immediately, after a timeout, or by another process.  Services are usually required to implement a heartbeating mechanism to ensure liveness and clients typically need to be able to handle failed services reliably.

  • Load Balancing - If multiple services are registered, how do all the clients balance the load across the services?  If there is a master, can it be deteremined by a client correctly?

  • Integration Style - Does the registry only provide a few language bindings, for example, only Java? Does integrating require embedding registration and discovery code into your application or is asidekick process an option?

  • Runtime Dependencies - Does it require the JVM, Ruby or something that is not compatible with your environment?

  • Availability Concerns - Can you lose a node and still function?  Can it be upgraded without incurring an outage?  The registry will grow to be a central part of your architecture and could be a single point of failure.

General Purpose Registries

These first three registries use strongly consistent protocols and are actually general purpose, consistent datastores.  Although we’re looking at them as service registries, they are typically used for coordination services to aid in leader election or centralized locking with a distributed set of clients.




  • 服务注册 - 服务进程在注册中心注册自己的位置。它通常注册自己的主机和端口号,有时还有身份验证信息,协议,版本号,以及运行环境的详细资料。

  • 服务发现 - 客户端应用进程向注册中心发起查询,来获取服务的位置。


  • 监控 - 如果服务注册失败会发生什么?有时会因为超时、或者其它进程而突然处于未注册状态。通常会要求服务实现心跳机制来确保其活跃性,并且通常要求客户端有能力可靠地处理失效的服务。

  • 负载均衡 -如果多个服务被注册,怎样来处理所有的客户端跨服务的均衡问题?如果有个主服务,它能被客户端正确的判断吗?

  • 集成风格 - 注册中心仅仅提供了少量语言的绑定,例如仅仅支持 Java 吗?集成需要嵌入注册与发现的代码到程应用程序中,还是可以选择一个辅助进程?

  • 运行时依赖 - 它需要 JVM, Ruby 或者其它与你的运行环境不兼容的软件吗?

  • 可用性考虑 - 丢失一个节点能继续工作吗?升级时不会中断服务吗?注册处会成为架构的中心部分,会变成单点故障吗?




is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.  It’s written in Java, is strongly consistent (CP) and uses the protocol to coordinate changes across the ensemble (cluster).

Zookeeper is typically run with three, five or seven members in the ensemble.  Clients use language specific in order to access the ensemble. Access is typically embedded into the client applications and services.

Service registration is implemented with under a namespace.  Ephemeral nodes only exist while the client is connected so typically a backend service registers itself, after startup, with it’s location information.  If it fails or disconnects, the node disappears from the tree.

Service discovery is implemented by listing and watching the namespace for the service.  Clients receive all the currently registered services as well as notifications when a service becomes unavailable or new ones register.  Clients also need to handle any load balancing or failover themselves.

The Zookeeper API can be difficult to use properly and language bindings might have subtle differences that could cause problems. If you’re using a JVM based language, the might be of some use.

Since Zookeeper is a CP system, when a occurs, some of your system will not be able to register or find existing registrations even if they could function properly during the partition.  Specifically, on any non-quorum side, reads and writes will return an error.










is a consistent, distributed data store.  It’s written in Go, is strongly consistent and uses to maintain consensus.  The project has been around for a number of years but has stagnated for a while and now has close to 160 forks.  Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to know what the actual state of the project is and whether is is suitable for production use.

Doozer is typically run with three, five or seven nodes in the cluster.  Clients use language specific bindings to access the cluster and, similar to Zookeeper, integration is embedded into the client and services.

Service registration is not as straightforward as with Zookeeper because Doozer does not have any concept of ephemeral nodes.  A service can register itself under a path but if the service becomes unavailable, it won’t be removed automatically.

There are a number of ways to address this issue. One option might be to add a timestamp and heartbeating mechanism to the registration process and handle expired entries during the discovery process or with another cleanup processes.

Service discovery is similar to Zookeeper in that you can list all the entries under a path and then wait for any changes to that path.  If you use a timestamp and heartbeat during registration, you would ignore or delete any expired entries during discovery.

Like Zookeeper, Doozer is also a CP system and has the same consequences when a partition occurs.










is a highly-available, key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery.  Etcd was inspired by Zookeeper and Doozer.  It’s written in Go, uses for consensus and has a HTTP+JSON based API.

Etcd, similar to Doozer and Zookeeper, is usually run with three, five or seven nodes in the cluster. Clients use a language specific binding or implement one using an HTTP client.

Service registration relies on along with heartbeating from the service to ensure the key remains available.  If a services fails to update the key’s TTL, Etcd will expire it.  If a service becomes unavailable, clients will need to handle the connection failure and try another service instance.

Service discovery involves listing the keys under a directory and then waiting for changes on the directory.  Since the API is HTTP based, the client application keeps a long-polling connection open with the Etcd cluster.

Since Etcd uses , it should be a strongly-consistent system.  Raft requires a leader to be elected and all client requests are handled by the leader. However, Etcd also seems to support reads from non-leaders using this which would improve availabilty in the read case.  Writes would still need to be handled by the leader during a partition and could fail.








Single Purpose Registries

These next few registration services and approaches are specifically tailored to service registration and discovery.  Most have come about from actual production use cases while others are interesting and different approaches to the problem.  Whereas Zookeeper, Doozer and Etcd could also be used for distributed coordination, these solutions don’t have that capability.

Airbnb’s SmartStack

is a combination of two custom tools, and that leverage and to handle service registration and discovery.  Both Nerve and Synapse are written in Ruby.

Nerve is a sidekick style process that runs as a separate process alongside the application service. Nerve is reponsible for registering services in Zookeeper.  Applications expose a /heath endpoint, for HTTP services, that Nerve continuously monitors.  Provided the service is available, it will be registered in Zookeper.

The sidekick model eliminates the need for a service to interact with Zookeeper. It simply needs a monitoring endpoint in order to be registered.  This makes it much easier to support services in different languages where robust Zookeeper binding might not exist.  This also provides many of benefits of the.

Synapse is also a sidekick style process that runs as a separate process alongside the service. Synapse is responsible for service discovery.  It does this by querying Zookeeper for currently registered services and reconfigures a locally running haproxy instance.  Any clients on the host that need to access another service always accesses the local haproxy instance which will route the request to an available service.

Synapse’s design simplifies service implementations in that they do not need to implement any client side load balancing or failover and they do not need to depend on Zookeepr or it’s language bindings.

Since SmartStack relies on Zookeeper, some registrations and discovery may fail during a partition. They point out that Zookeepr is their “Achilles heel” in this setup. Provided a service has been able to discover the other services, at least once, before a partition, it should still have a snapshot of the services after the partition and may be able to continue operating during the partition.  This aspect improves the availability and reliability of the overall system.




Airbnb’s SmartStack

 是两个自定义工具的组合 —— 和。这两个工具可以利用和来处理服务注册和发现.  Nerve和Synapse都是用Ruby写的.



Synapse也是一个隔离的伙伴进程和应用服务同时运行。Synapse负责服务发现。它是通过查询Zookeeper目前已经注册的服务和重新配置一 个本地运行的代理实例来实现服务发现的。任何主机上的客户必须通过本地的代理实例来访问其他服务,这个代理会将请求路由到一个可用的服务上去。


因为SmartStack依赖于Zookeeper,一些注册和发现也许在分片的时候会失败。他们指出在这个配置中Zookeeper是他们的“致命 伤”。假如一个服务可以在分片之前至少一次发现其他的服务,也仍然会在分片之后做一个快照,也可以在分片期间继续操作。这方面提高了整个系统的稳定性和可 靠性。

Netflix’s Eureka

is Netflix’s middle-tier, load balancing and discovery service.  There is a server component as well as a smart-client that is used within application services.  The server and client are written in Java which means the ideal use case would be for the services to also be imlemented in Java or another JVM compatible language.

The Eureka server is the registry for services.  They recommend running one Eureka server in each availability zone in AWS to form a cluster.  The servers replicate their state to each other through an asynchronous model which means each instance may have a slightly, different picture of all the services at any given time.

Service registration is handled by the client component.  Services embed the client in their application code. At runtime, the client registers the service and periodically sends heartbeats to renew it’s leases.

Service discovery is handled by the smart-client as well.  It retrieves the current registrations from the server and caches them locally.  The client periodically refreshes it’s state and also handles load balancing and failovers.

Eureka was designed to be very resilient during failures. It favors availabilty over strong consistency and can operate under a number of different failure modes.  If there is a partition within the cluster, Eureka transitions to a self-preservation state.  It will allow services to be discovered and registered during a partition and when it heals, the members will merge their state again.








Bitly’s NSQ lookupd

is a realtime, distributed messaging platform. It’s written in Go and provides an HTTP based API.  While it’s not a general purpose service registration and discovery tool, they have implemented a novel model of service discovery in their agent in order for clients to find instances at runtime.

In an NSQ deployment, the nsqd instances are essentially the service.  These are the message stores. nsqlookupd is the service registry.  Clients connect directly to nsqd instances but since these may change at runtime, clients can discover the available instances by querying nsqlookupd instances.

For service registration, each nsqd instance periodically sends a heartbeat of it’s state to each of nsqlookupd instance.  Their state includes their address and any queues or topics they have.

For discovery, clients query each nsqlookupd instance and merge the results.

What is interesting about this model is that the nsqlookupd instances do not know about each other. It’s the responsibility of the clients to merge the state returned from each stand-alone nsqlookupd instance to determine the overal state.  Because each nsqd instance heartbeats its state, each nsqlookupd eventually has the same information provided each nsqd instance can contact all available nsqlookupd instances.

All the previously discussed registry components all form a cluster and use strong or weakly consistent consensus protocols to maintain their state. The NSQ design is inherently weakly consistent but very tolerant to partitions.


Bitly的NSQ lookupd





有趣的是在这个模型中,nsqlookupd实例互相并不认识。客户端要合并从每个独立的nsqlookupd实例中返回的状态信息然后决定总体的 状态。因为每个nsqd实例发送各自的心跳信息,而每个nsqlookup实例最终会持有相同的信息,这些信息提供了每个nsqd实例可以联系的全部可用 的nsqlookupd实例。



is a decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration.  It is also written in Go and is unique in that uses a gossip based protocol, for membership, failure detection and custom event propogation.  SWIM was designed to address the unscalability of traditional heart-beating protocols.

Serf consists of a single binary that is installed on all hosts.  It can be run as an agent, where it joins or creates a cluster, or as a client where it can discover the members in the cluster.

For service registration, a serf agent is run that joins an existing cluster.  The agent is started with custom tags that can identify the hosts role, env, ip, ports, etc.  Once joined to the cluster, other members will be able to see this host and it’s metadata.

For discovery, serf is run with the members command which returns the current members of the cluster. Using the members output, you can discover all the hosts for a service based on the tags their agent is running.

Serf is a relatively new project and is evolving quickly. It is the only project in this post that does not have a central registry architectural style which makes it unique.  Since it uses a asynchronous, gossip based protocol, it is inherently weakly-consistent but more fault tolerant and available.











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